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Gemilut Chasadim


The Sephardic Congregation of Passaic Clifton has established and operates two charitable funds to allow us to perform gemilut chasadim with our own members and our brethren in the Passaic-Clifton Community and beyond.  


The Sephardic Congregation Refuah Fund, in memory of Mazal Bat Frieda, obm, was established in 2010. The fund strives to assist people in times of medical crisis and financial need.   


The Sephardic Congregation Widow and Orphan Fund, in memory of Yisroel Amichai ben Sarah, obm, was established in 2018. Yisrael Amichai Avrahami was a founding and very active member of the Sephardic Congregation. The fund aims to assist widows and orphans bereft of the major breadwinner of their household. 


Those wishing to donate to either fund should visit the Donate page located in this site. Checks should be made out to specific funds  and may be mailed to the congregational offices. Checks may be earmarked for specific campaigns and causes. 

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